Understanding Nutrition With Nutrients According to Experts

Understanding Nutrition With Nutrients According to Experts
Definition of Nutrition
Understanding Nutrition or Nutrition is a substance in food that is needed by organisms for growth and development that is used directly by the body which includes protein, vitamins, minerals, fats and water. Nutrients are obtained from food obtained in the form of juice from the breakdown of the digestive system.
Nutrients are divided into two, namely organic nutrients and inorganic substances. Organic nutrients such as fat, vitamins, carbohydrates and protein. While inorganic nutrients are composed of water and minerals and not only that. Nutrients are grouped into several types such as types of nutrients based on their source, kinds of nutrients based on their amount and based on their functions.

Definition of Nutrition According to Branch of Science
Nutrition is a branch of science that has several definitions that are interrelated with one another. These definitions include the following:
Nutrition Science (Nutrience Science) is the study of everything about food in relation to optimal health / body.
Nutrients are chemical bonds that the body needs to carry out its functions, which are producing energy, building and maintaining tissues and regulating life processes.
Nutrition (Nutrition) is a process of organisms using food consumed normally through the process of digestion, absorption, transportation, storage, metabolism and release of substances that are not used, to maintain life, growth and normal function of organs, and produce energy .
Food is a general term for all ingredients that can be used as food.
Understanding food according to Law No. 7 of 1996 concerning: Food, is anything that comes from biological sources and water, whether processed or not processed, which is intended as food or drink for human consumption, including food additives, food raw materials, and other materials used in the process of preparing, processing and or making food or drinks.
Food is a material other than medicine that contains nutrients and / or chemical bonds that can be converted into nutrients by the body, which is useful when inserted into the body.
Food is raw food.
Nutritional status is the state of the body as a result of food consumption and use of nutrients.
Nutrition is a science that uses a variety of basic scientific disciplines such as: biochemistry, life sciences (physiology), science sciences (pathology), and several other sciences so as to master those basic scientific parts relevant to nutrition.

Definition of Nutrition According to the Opinion of Experts
In nutrition there are several according to experts for more details see the following.
Tuti Sunardi
Said that the notion of nutrition is something that affects the process of changing all types of food that enters the body that can sustain life.

Lioni Ellis H
Said that the notion of nutrition is an important component needed by the body to grow and develop.

Harry Oxorn and William R. Forte
Expressing the notion of nutrition which means nutrition has a broad understanding of not only the types of food and its use for the body but also recognizes ways to obtain and process and consider that we stay healthy.

Chairinniza K. Graha
Expressing the meaning of nutrition which means nutrition is an element contained in food where the elements can provide benefits for the body to consume it so it becomes healthy.

Classically and Modern Definition
The definition of nutrition is divided classically and now, namely:
Classically: nutrition is only associated with physical health (providing energy, building, maintaining body tissues, regulating life processes in the body).
Now: in addition to health, it is also linked to a person's economic potential because nutrition is related to brain development, learning ability, work productivity.

History of the development of Nutrition
Founded in 1926, by Mary Swartz Rose when inaugurated as professor of nutrition at Columbia University, New York, USA. In ancient times, food was important for survival. Whereas in Greek times, in 400 BC there was the theory of Hipocrates which states that food is the heat that humans need, meaning humans need to eat.

Several studies that confirm that nutrition has been around for a long time, include:
Research on Breathing and Calorimetry - First studied by Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794). Studying matters relating to the use of food energy which includes the process of breathing, oxidation and calorimetry. Then developed until the early 20th century, the existence of research on the exchange of energy and the properties of staples.
Mineral discovery - Mineral has been known for a long time in bones and teeth. In 1808 calcium was discovered. In 1808, Boussingault discovered iron as an essential substance. Ringer (1885) and Locke (1990), found that body fluids need certain electrolyte concentrations. Early in the 20th century, Loeb's research on the effect of concentrations of sodium, potassium and calcium chloride salts on living tissue.
The discovery of Vitamins - Early 20th century, vitamins are well known. From 1887-1905 there were studies with purified foods and whole foods. With the results: found an active substance in food that is not classified as a major nutrient and plays a role in disease prevention (Scurvy and Rickets). In 1912, Funk proposed giving the name vitamine to the substance. In 1920, the vitamin was changed to vitamine and was recognized as an essential substance.
Molecular and Cellular Research - This research began in 1955, and gained an understanding of the complex cell structure and the complex and vital role of nutrients in the growth and maintenance of cells. After 1960, research shifted from essential nutrients to inter-relationships between nutrients, specific biological roles, determination of human nutritional requirements and food processing regarding nutrient content.
Current Situation - New concepts emerge, among others: hereditary influence on nutritional needs; the influence of nutrition on brain development and behavior, work ability and productivity and resistance to infectious diseases. In the field of food technology found: how to process nutritious food, fortification of food with essential nutrients, utilization of the structural properties of food, etc. FAO and WHO issued Codex Alimentaris (food labeling regulations and poisoning limits).