Understanding and Kinds of Political Ideology

Understanding and Kinds of Political Ideology
Political Ideology - Definition, Kinds, Functions, Socialism, Experts: Political ideology is a set of values, ideas, norms, beliefs and beliefs that a person or group of people has to achieve goals, decisions, power and regulate towards the direction better (madani and harmonious).

Political Ideology
Politics is the activity of a person or group to regulate, control, decision-making, and the interests to go in a direction that is better than before which is harmonious and civilized.
Political ideology is a set of values, ideas, norms, beliefs and beliefs that a person or group of people has to achieve goals, decisions, power and manage to go towards a better direction (civil and harmonious). Ideology is the basis of attitudes towards political events and problems encountered and determinants of political behavior.
The basis of political ideology is the belief in the existence of an ideal pattern of social and political order. Ideology cannot be equated with a philosophy that only contemplates, but has a purpose of moving in real activities and actions. In its development, ideology is influenced by events or events in the community where they are.
In social science, political ideology is a collection of ideas and principles that describe how the community should work, and offers a summary of certain community orders. Political ideology is generally about him with how to regulate power and how it should be done or implemented.
The communist theory of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels and their followers, known as Marxism, is considered to be the most influential and fully explained political ideology in the 20th century. Other ideological examples include: capitalism, anarchism, communism, conservatism, communitarianism, neoliberalism, Christian democracy, monarchism fascism, nationalism, liberalism, socialism, Nazism, libertarianism and social democrats.
Ideology is a set of goals and ideas that lead to one goal, action and hope. So, political ideology can be interpreted as a set of goals and ideas that describe how a people work, and how to manage power.

Understanding Politics According to Experts
Understanding politics according to some experts, among others, as follows:

Ramlan Subakti
politics is the process of interaction between government and society to determine the common good for people who live in a certain area.

Paul Janet
politics is the science that governs the development of the country as well as the principles of government.

politics is an attempt to seek and maintain power in society. Power is the ability to influence others to behave in accordance with the will that influences.

Miriam Budiardjo
Politics is an effort to determine the rules that can be accepted by most citizens, to bring the community towards a harmonious life together. At this time politics is no longer in the normative sense anymore, because politics which is currently mostly defined is politics that emphasizes efforts to achieve a better society, such as power, decision making, policy policy, value allocation, and so on.

Rod Hague et al
politics is an activity that involves the way groups reach collective and binding decisions through efforts to reconcile differences between their members

Andrew Heywood
politics is the activity of a nation which aims to make, maintain, and amend general rules that govern its life, which means it cannot be separated from the symptoms of conflict and cooperation.

Various Kinds of Political Ideology
In political science, many ideologies are currently developing, among others, capitalism, liberalism, socialism, Pancasila and so forth. With the conflict gave birth to the progress of social science, especially political science which is increasingly developing and giving birth to a variety of new paradigms. The following will explain the ideologies contained in political science.

Liberalism comes from the word liberal which means "free". In liberalism, individual freedom, competition between owners of capital (capital), and restrictions on the power of the king (government). Therefore, liberalism and capitalism are sometimes seen as the same ideology.
Freedom has emerged since human existence in the world, because in essence humans often seek freedom for themselves. The form of freedom in politics in ancient times was an application of democracy in Athens and Rome. However, the emergence of liberalism as a notion at the end of the 17th century.
Liberalism existed in the late 17th century, related to the collapse of feudalism in Europe and the beginning of the Renaissance, followed by political movements during the French Revolution. Liberalism today is related to Adam Smith, known as classical liberalism. At this time, the kingdom (government) is hands off, which is in accordance with the Laissez-Faire concept. This concept emphasizes that the kingdom must give freedom of thought to the people, not obstruct the ownership of individual or group property, limited royal power and freedom of the people.

Development of political freedom
The call for freedom was echoed after earlier in the 16th century and early 17th century, the Reformation of the Church and the advancement of science made people who were depressed by the power of the church want to be free from various bonds, be it government, religion, and social. According to Adam Smith, liberal is freedom from restrictions (free from restraint), because liberalism offers the concept of life free from the supervision of the church and the king.

Capitalism (capitalism) comes from the word capital (capital), which means capital. Capital here is a means of production, such as land and money. Thus, the meaning of capitalism is an ideology in which power is in the hands of capital or the owner of capital, an unlimited free economic system based on profit, where society competes within these boundaries.
In the view of capitalism, each individual is not part of the community, but the party who must fight for their own interests. In the struggle, the determining factor is production. Weak producers will be eliminated and superior producers will survive.
Thomas Hobbes states that every person will naturally look for the fulfillment of needs for himself. Jhon Locke has the opinion that humans have personal rights. Adam Smith continued the free market with his own rules, meaning that there was no interference from the government in the market. The theories of these figures increasingly developed with the Industrial Revolution.

Socialism is an understanding that has a goal as a form of turning society into a tool of production to be shared property, as well as the sharing of results equally in addition to the division of labor and consumption material as a whole. in socialism each individual must strive to obtain appropriate services for happiness together, because in essence, humans live not only to be free, but also to help one another.
Solialism as we know it today Socialism was actually born before it was sparked by Karl Marx. The person who first raised the idea of socialism was Francois Noel Baneuf, in the 18th century. Then came other figures such as Saint Simon and Fourier in France, Robert Owen in England. They tried to improve the situation of the people because they were motivated by a sense of humanity but they were not based on a clear concept and were thought of as mere dreams, so they were called utopian socialists.